Opportunity International United Kingdom

Charity registration number: 1107713

About Charizone Framework© Data

Developed with guidance from experts in the voluntary sector, the Charizone Framework considers three aspects of a charity’s performance: impact, governance and finance. This covers 9 categories that include a total of 27 key performance indicators (KPIs).

Each indicator is then scored: positive, moderate or low. Our trained research team collected around 100 data points for each charity using a precise data-driven and quality-controlled process. The details of the Framework along with the evidence for scoring each indicator are provided in the reports.

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Charizone Framework Score Summary

Category Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Score Theme Score
Impact Impact Framework Disclosure 1.1.1 Impact Framework Disclosure Positive
Output Reporting 1.2.1 Charitable Activities Breakdown Moderate
1.2.2 Evidence of Outputs Positive
Impact Reporting 1.3.1 Evidence of Impact Positive
1.3.2 Sharing Stories Moderate
Governance Effective Board 2.1.1 Number of Trustees Positive
2.1.2 Trustees’ Biographies Positive
2.1.3 Board Independence Moderate
2.1.4 Term on Board Positive
Purpose & Risk Management 2.2.1 Management Biographies Positive
2.2.2 Clear Strategy Positive
2.2.3 Assessment of Performance Positive
2.2.4 Risk Management Positive
2.2.5 Meeting Submission Deadlines Positive
Transparency & Best Practice 2.3.1 Access to Critical Information Positive
2.3.2 Best Practice Moderate
2.3.3 Pay Disclosure Moderate
2.3.4 Openness & Transparency Low
2.3.5 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Practice Low
Finance Financial Management 3.1.1 Good Financial Management Moderate
3.1.2 Reserves Policy Disclosure Positive
3.1.3 Reserves Level Management Positive
Financial Sustainability 3.2.1 Liquidity Ratio Positive
3.2.2 Sustainability of Charitable Activities Positive
3.2.3 Flexibility Measure Positive
3.2.4 Income Diversification Positive
Use of Resources 3.3.1 Charitable Activities Expenditure Positive
Total average score

Charity Website

Charity Commission


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Areas of operation (UK)

Throughout England And Wales Scotland

Areas of operation (Overseas)

Ghana Malawi Rwanda Uganda Pakistan

Total funds

2022 2023
Unrestricted funds £3,221.8k £2,689.6k
Restricted funds £3,132.3k £3,623.2k
Total funds £6,354.1k £6,312.8k

Total spending

2022 2023
Raising funds £471.6k £433.6k
Charitable activities £3,626.8k £2,324.0k
Other spending - -
Total spending £4,098.4k £2,757.7k

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